In any case, not much as happened and at the same time lots. Let me explain:
First of all, I will start by saying that everything is fine, Mike is working quite a bit, but still enjoying it and liking the fact that he is respected in his job and his skills are put to work! And we all know Mike is very talented, so it's great that he was able to find a job that exploits this talent!
Manu is doing more than great, a few things have changed in his life. First and most important of all, his colic seems to be dramatically disappearing. It must be the magic 3 months old mark that everybody has been telling us!
Well, he's 3 months old next sunday, so there you go.
With the colic being so diminished, he's a lot happier, and is smiling and talking a lot more, which is pretty much all the time as he was smiling and talking quite a bit before that.
He's eating like the big green giant and quickly becoming a little Buddha. As a matter of fact this last week or so has been a major gigantic growth spurt that was visible to the naked eye! Everyday he was filling up a little more and especially filling his clothes. So a new phase of clothing has been put to use.
Manu also started a regular schedule of 2 bottles a day (and in our family what else but soy diet!? ), so his poops and farts are more like weapons of mass destruction than anything else. But we all have to get used to that at some point or another!
He still nurses but we're very slowly switching.
Another MAJOR feat.... Tada... he's been sleeping around 8 hours at night for the past 4 nights!!!!!!! Yeppers! And also taking nice naps during the day anywhere from 45 minutes to more than 3 hours...
This colic thing really is nasty because when you see how he puts himself on an even schedule of feeding and sleeping, it's crazy to think that for 3 months the poor little Cookie had to deal with so much pain!
THAT MEANS WE'RE SLEEPING AT NIGHT!!!!!! 3 months! he's so cool!
Ok, ok, so here is the french translation and then the photos...:
Ca fait longtemps qu'on n'a pas ecrit...
Enfin, Pas beaucoup de changements et en meme temps pas mal de nouvelles. Laissez moi expliquer:
D'abord, je vais commencer par dire que tout va bien et tout le monde va bien. Mike travailler pas mal en ce moment, mais apprecie toujours le fait que ses qualites et ses talents sont mis a l'epreuve et exploites de bonne facon!
Manu va mieux que bien, certaines choses ont changees dans sa vie. Tout d'abord, et c'est le plus important, la colique semble disparaitre assez rapidement. Ca doit etre la marque magique des 3 mois dont tout le monde nous parle!
Comme il aura 3 mois dimanche prochain, voila le compte est bon.
Avec la disparition de la colique il est 2 fois plus heureux, il sourit et parle encore plus, donc a peu pres tout le temps vu qu'il souriait et parlait deja pas mal avant.
Il mange comme un geant vert et devient tres rapidement un petit Bouddha. Dailleurs toute cette derniere semaine a ete une phase de croissance presque gigantesque, et visible a l'oeil nu! Il remplit ses habits un peu plus tous les jours, donc une nouvelle phase de petits pantalons et chemises, ainsi que pyjamas ont etes mis en place.
Manu a aussi commence un emploi du temps regulier de 2 biberons par jours (et evidemment dans notre famille quoi d'autre que du soja!? ), donc ses odeurs ont plus de notes d'armes de destruction massive qu'autre chose . Mais bon, on doit tous s'y habituer a un moment ou un autre!
Il allaite toujours mais nous changeons lentement.
Un autre changement RADICAL.... Tada... Cela dait 4 nuits qu'il dort aux alentours de 8 heures!!!!!!! Oh yeah! Et aussi des siestes la journee qui durent entre 45 minutes et 3 heures...
Quand je pense qu'il se regularise lui meme comme ca et que c'est cette colique qui lui aura bouffee toute cette energie... Pauvre petit bibi!
MAIS CELA VEUT DIRE QUE L'ONT DORT LA NUIT!!!!!! 3 mois! Il es trop genial!
Ok, ok, voila les photos...:
Grandma Lora came to visit until yesterday:
Mamie Lora est venue nous voir jusqu'a hier:

And here are some random photos from the past few days, notice the cheeks... hmmm so edible:
Et voila d'autres photos des jours passes, remarquez les joues... hmmmm ca se mange bien:

I am a wild beast from the jungle!!!
Je suis un animal sauvage de la jungle!!!

My court hangs pictures of me everywhere, I like...
Ma court met des photos de moi partout, j'aime...

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