Ils sont partout!!!:

How many expressions does one kid have??????:
Combien d'expressions differentes est-ce qu'un enfant peut avoir?????:

We went to Papi and Coco (my parents)'s building today where there is a pool on the 27th floor. We thought it would be nice for Manu to go to the pool... WRONG! He really didn't like it, we think maybe it looked too big, a little too cold and the reverberating sound probably didn't help. So we'll go back, a little bit at a time so as to not force him either....
Nous sommes alles chez Papi et Coco (mes parents) ou il y a une piscine au 27eme etage. On croyait que ca aurait plu a Manu.... NON! Il n'a vraiment pas aime ca, peut-etre c'etait trop grand comme bain, trop froid, et puis les reverberations du son n'ont pas du aider. Donc on y retournera petit a petit pour ne pas le forcer non plus...

So it might not have been 86 degrees today here (as it was in Hollywood a few days ago. hum hum), but Manu gets to look awfully cute inside Mommy's coat, and HE is no sissie!!!!!!!!!

Anyone needs a desert irrigated?:
Quelqu'un a besoin d'irrigation?:

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