It's hard though because the only other alternative is a hypoallergenic formula which has MSG in it ( How do they put this stuff in there with a straight face? And why? This stuff tastes like a dead body! I mean the previous milk wasn't exactly what I would have for breakfast but I could see it being a matter of taste. This one, no! It's just plain awful!!!!
Now I read a bunch and our doctor is on it as well, but maybe an almond substitute might work. I'm looking into a US company that makes a pure almond butter concentrate that can be used for this ( Then maybe we'd have to make it with rice milk and/or supplement with other vitamins and proteins... I hope this will work because the hypoallergenic option is not really my favorite (and get this, there are only 3 on the market, one of which is not for Manu for various reasons).
This just reminds me of his birth. I'd prepared like no other woman to give birth naturally (and I mean PREPARED!!!, tai chi every single day of my pregnancy, some yoga, meditations almost daily, a doula, perfect vitamins and supplements, hypnobirthing training, talking, reading, music, smells for the baby, and so much more), but in the end I had the most unnatural birth giving....
Now it's the same, I buy everything organic and I have to order out of the country sometimes to make sure I have the absolute best, I see the best health care people I can for him, even though we're broke, and now he might have to eat the most disgusting non-organic foul tasting formula.....
What luck he has the poor monkey. First it was colic, then it continued with teething (which is still happening of course), the really bad itching eczema, digestive problems, now bad taste in his food too?!..... Yet he smiles!
Nouveau developpement, Manu est intolerant au soja. Donc comme c'est ce qu'on lui donne depuis 2 mois, on est mal barres!
Enfins esperons que l'eczema soit relie comme ca ca partira. Donc on essaye une nouvelle preparation maternise de lait hypoallergenique. Seul probleme est qu'ils y mettent du glutamate. Ils sont marteaux les gens qui fabriquent ces aliments!! En plus de ca, il y a de la sucrose dedans.... Ce que je ne comprend pas car ca a tout de meme un gout d'egout!
J'ai lu pas mal sur internet et on en a parle avec les parents (Stephanie etait bien intolerante a tous les laits quand elle etait bebe), donc on pensait au lait d'amandes, mais rien ici dans ce genre. J'ai tout de meme trouve une companie aux US qui fait ca mais il faudrait que je complemente avec des vitamines et proteines.... On en parle avec notre docteur et on verra bien.
Pour l'instant on essaye l'hypallergenique meme si ca nous rend malade, mais il le boit sans faire de cirque. C'est tout ce qui compte!
on va changer vite fait aux solides!!!!!
Pauvre bibi, apres la colique, les dents, les problemes digestifs, et maintenant ca, et pourtant il sourit toujours!

When I let my hair down, he likes to caress it, not pull, just pass his fingers through it, it's too cute!!!!!!!
Il aime quand je laisse mes cheveux longs, il ne tire meme pas dessus, il passe ses mains a travers pour caresser, c'est trop mignon!!!

1 comment:
C'est peut-etre une benediction qu'il soit intolerant au soja...Le soja c'est tres dangereux pour la sante et c'est quelquechose que je ne donnerai jamais a un enfant/bebe.
Avez-vous lu l'article de la Weston Price Foundation intitule "soy alert"? Je vous le recommande vivement.
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