We had to go to Los Angeles for a very short few days because I was called for my interview for the american citizenship. Since Mike didn't have much of a choice with work, we could only go a few days, and so we deeply apologize to all the people we didn't see, but as everyone can understand we only had time to go to the interview and have a few hours with the grand parents....
We'll be coming back as soon as Mike has more vacation to take real time for people to meet Manu.
Please understand that we would have been very happy to see everyone, and we are very sorry we couldn't see you guys!!!!!!!!! :-)
Still, here are some photos that we took and there:
Bonjour tout le monde, Nous sommes alles a Los Angeles car je devais aller a mon entrevue pour la nationalite americaine (que j'ai eu). Nous n'avons pas pu rester longtemps car Mike n'avait pas de vacances donc je me suis excusee plus haut en anglais aupres de tous ceux que nous n'avons pas pu voir.... Voila les photos prises la bas:

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