Here are a couple blurry shots with pieces of walls... hehehe

Last week-end I went to my parents' house in Bromont (the village about an hour away from Montreal in which my parents live most of the time). Mike stayed in Montreal in our freshly painted apartment to straighten out paint fumes, mess, cleaning, and a whole bunch of stuff that I was (and still kind of am) completely unable to deal with. As you can see from the above pictures, he did quite a good job while I was getting a little sleep in the country while Manu was being watched by his grandparents.
Since it was hot on saturday, Manu was able to wear the onesie that MommaLama sent (MommaLama being Dorje's mom, Kathleen Greenberg), isn't he so handsome in his beautiful outfit?!!!!!!

Then he got all fussy and blew me off (clearly on the next photo!!!) to go with his granma:

Today was Mike's first day at work at Solaris Labs, he seems happy, the job seems intense but rewarding, and we'll see where it goes!
It was also Manu's first day alone with me at home and it was rough, not only does he have spells of colic, but he also did not sleep much at all today so he's just so exhausted at this point that he's finding even harder to just go to sleep.... Plus I smell like milk way too much for him to be too calm! haha
Well, haha is only in writing since I'm just as tired as he is and now Mike has taken over calming him after a whole day at work. Ahhh, the life of a newborn....
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