31 October 2007

Last week - October 23rd-30th, 2007

Manu's first bath mohawk. What a stud, huh?

...sleeping......waking up......waking up...
The nephew spending some time with his Papa and his RACECARS!!!
I'm beautiful, even when I'm glued to the TV.

A series of serious cuteness.

Are you gushing yet???

22 October 2007

Manu = pretty baby

Uncle Adam and Aunt Kerry:

Tribe Baron:

19 October 2007

Funny smiley baby!

I don't have teeth....

DOODE!, This is freaky!

Manu music video style

18 October 2007

17 October 2007

14 October 2007

Social week end

This week-end we celebrated on saturday evening, our apartment, my parents' new apartment, my brother's new apartment, my sister's new apartment, my brother's decision to become a professional ballroom dancer (focused on Argentine Tango! That's right!) and our new lives in general.... It was fun!
On sunday Jake and Aurore came with their adorable daughter (6 months old), Eden, Jean-Christophe (my sister's ex husband) also came with Matthieu (my nephew). We had a very nice brunch filled with baby laughs and few tears.
Our friend Irene came by also with her daughter Helene.

Ce week-end nous avons fait la fete. Samedi soir on a bu le champagne pour feter tous nos nouveaux appartements, et la decision de Raphael de devenir danseur professionel (surtout de Tango Argentin, et oui!). C'etait super sympa! Dimanche on a fait un brunch avec Jake et Aurore et leur fille cherie, Eden (6 mois), Jean-Christophe et Matthieu sont venus aussi ainsi que notre amie Irene et sa fille Helene. Brunch super chouette avec les sons de bebes.
Je vais essayer de traduire en francais autant que je peux maintenant sur la demande de Jake et de ma copine Marie-Pierre!!! Alors on arrete de raler maintenant!!! hahaha

Manu after feeding.... Drunk on mommy milk:

Cute little outfit:


11 October 2007

Manu talks!

09 October 2007

Canadian thanksgiving week-end

Hi guys!:

So this week-end was a three day week-end since Thanksgiving in Canada was monday! Yeahhh!!
We had a nice lunch at Stephanie's (my sister) and took a bunch of pictures:
Lots of smiles and almost laughter lately:

Dorky siblings going to tango... My sister, not knowing she had to dress up had to borrow whatever I had in my closet, which was one of my pregnancy dress... Good thing fashion has been appropriate these days! hehehe

Me think my aunt and uncle are crazy!!!:

I'm pretty when I sleep!: